Wandering Journey

Jounaling the travel from one subject to another, often with no definite destination or purpose...

2021 Potential Reading Material

Tracking reading activities

READING or AUDIO Material [not sequenced]

Title Author
Deep Work: Rules for focused success Cal Newport
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance Angela Duckworth
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking1 Susan Cain
The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever Michael Bungay Stanier
Getting Naked: A Business Fable About Shedding the Three Fears That Sabotage Client Loyalty1 Patrick M. Lencioni
Becoming a Leader of Impact: How Your Influence Can Change the World Braden Douglas
The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate The Three Essential Virtues Patrick M. Lencioni
Staring Down the Wolf: 7 Leadership Commitments That Forge Elite Teams Mark Divine
The Power of Character Strengths: Appreciate and Ignite Your Positive Personality Robert E. McGrath
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life Nir Eyal
The Packer Book James Turnbull
Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking: A Cookbook Marcella Hazan
Math For the Professional Kitchen The Culinary Institute of America (CIA)
Fruit Salad Cookbook: Fruit Salad Recipes to Actualize Body Goals Sophia Freeman
Culinary Reactions: The Everyday Chemistry of Cooking Simon Quellen Field
The Big Book of Maker Skills: Tools & Techniques for Building Great Tech Projects Chris Hackett
The Migraine Diet: A Ketogenic Meal Plan for Headache Relief Denise Potter RDN CSP CDE
The Natural Superiority of the Left-Hander James Tertius de Kay
Captivology: The Science of Capturing People’s Attention Ben Parr
The Blue Zones Solution: Eating and Living Like the World’s Healthiest People (Blue Zone, The) Dan Buettner
Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything BJ Fogg PhD
Atomic Habits James Clear
The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win Gene Kim
  1. RSP Leadership Reading  2